Institute for Black Church Studies
Recent events in our country have demonstrated the critical need to repair the racial breach that divides us. This is also the work of the church.
The Institute is part of BSK Theological Seminary, and is made possible by a generous grant from the Eula Mae & John Baugh Foundation.
Wisdom for the Journey
Devotionals to inspire and challenge.
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Our Partners
Black Leadership
The Institute, through BSK, is partnered with Simmons College of Kentucky (HBCU) and the National Baptist Convention of America International, Inc. (NBCA).
These partners assist the Institute in supporting Black church leaders, and in providing racial education for White congregations.

Articles By Dr. Lewis Brogdon
The Black Pulpit and Public Square
Is America Ready for the Next Crisis? No, We Are Not
The COVID-19 pandemic has exposed this country in ways that will take decades to understand and address. A year and a half into this historic time, the world is exhausted and operating on reserves with no clear end date in sight.
The Fight for the Soul of America
During his presidential campaign, Joseph Biden often spoke of the...
Faith Leaders in the Public Square Need Dual Loyalties
A good place to begin is with a question. What do I mean by the term...
Leading in a Cultural Windstorm: Reflections on Black Political and Community Leadership
The winds of turmoil and change are blowing. In a sense, we are...
The Neglected Dimension of Verbal Violence in Politics
The Descent into Violence America is a violent country in every...
Black Clergy Political Engagement Guide
As we get closer to the 2020 election, it is important for churches...